Hi guys! I am giving away Biorè makeup remover + Biorè UV rich aqua watery essence!
This giveaway will run from October 30, 2015 to November 16, 2015
I will Choose 2 winners.
Prize #2
1 Biorè Micellar Water
1 Biorè Cotton Sheet
1 Sample Size Biorè Cleansing Oil
2 Sample Size Biorè Whitening Essence
I will randomize the entries but the higher your points are the higher chance of winning! :D
1 Biorè Cotton Sheet
1 Sample Size Biorè Cleansing Oil
2 Sample Size Biorè Whitening Essence
I will randomize the entries but the higher your points are the higher chance of winning! :D
I will announce the winners on my FB page!
This giveaway is strictly for my subscribers only so you have to be a subscriber to enter.
You can do the rest for you to gain more points!
So to be clear Being a subscriber is not optional but the rest is optional. :D
Hope I was able to explain that clearly.
If you have a question you can reach me through my FB page also you can email me at karlag094@gmail.com or better yet post a comment here:D
If you want to re-watch the video here's the link.
If you want to try the Biorè makeup remover yourself it is available in almost all watsons just check out their FB page to confirm it's availability.
Thank you so much!
Enter here:
Subscriber na po ako sa youtube ^^ pati po ba dito sa blogspot maay subscribe din? Lagi kasing nag titingin lang ako :)^^