Hi guys I just wanted to share with you an awesome beauty tool that I have recently discovered. I am aware that the beauty industry has made some advancements when it comes to producing quality beauty tools. And as of the moment makeup sponge has been really promising when it comes to the base application. Remember when almost all of the brands are producing their own BB and CC creams? Now I have noticed that more and more of them are producing their own version of the beauty blender. If you're not familiar with it, here's a link that will fill you up.
I was so thrilled to see this makeup sponge when I visited the HBC store here near my place. Excited enough to buy it right away!
Sansan Makeup sponge
Price: 70 PHP
Place bought: Hbc Store
I believe it is only available in green and yellow color.
It has a very lousy packaging well at least it was sealed, that's what's important important right? As for the material I am not really sure since it doesn't say anything aside from its price. Definitely not the same material as the beauty blender. But it is a quality makeup sponge with a curved egg shape.
I love applying my sort of primer with this one it just makes it effortless. I am so happy because I was able to blend the cream foundation like a dream.
This sponge is best to use with Cream foundation, Cake foundation, Liquid foundation, BB, and CC creams.
You can either use this to blend products in or blend as you apply. I hope that made sense.

Things to keep in mind my when using this type of sponge:
✺ You have to wash it and wait for it to dry before using it. Then wash it regularly to prevent bacteria build up.
✺ You should always use this wet or damp with water so that it will not absorb all the product that you'll gonna be using.
✺ Unlike brushes, these types of beauty tool are only good to use for a month or two, depending on how frequent you use it. With proper care I would say for as long as it looks decent enough, then you may continue to use it.
✺ Some products may stain the sponge and can be difficult to remove. Or in some cases you will not be able to remove it at all. Especially if you are working with waterproof products.
All that being said I am so glad that I ran into this product. I have been consistently using this whenever I'm doing my makeup.
I totally recommend this to those who are in the market for some quality makeup sponge.
Thanks for dropping by! :)
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